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Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck for sale by auction

Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 1 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 2 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 3 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 4 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 5 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 6 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 7 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 8 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 9 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 10 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 11 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 12 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 13 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 14 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 15 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 16 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 17 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 18 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 19 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 20 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 21 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 22 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 23 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 24 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 25 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 26 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 27 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 28 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 29 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 30 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 31 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 32 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 33 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 34 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 35 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 36 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 37 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 38 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 39 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 40 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 41 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 42 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 43 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 44 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 45 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 46 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 47 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 48 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 49 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 50 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 51 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 52 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 53 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 54 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 55 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 56 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 57 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 58 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 59 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 60 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 61 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 62 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 63 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 64 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 65 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 66 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 67 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 68 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 69 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 70 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 71 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 72 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 73 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 74 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 75 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 76 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 77 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 78 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 79 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 80 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 81 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 82 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 83 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 84 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 85 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 86 - Autoline
Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck | Image 87 - Autoline
Interested in the ad?
Starting bid:
Net price
SEK 46,000
≈ $4,550
go to auction
Contact the seller
Brand: Mercedes-Benz
Model: 2628G L
Type: fire truck
Year of manufacture: 2009
Mileage: 303,538 km
Load capacity: 11,770 kg
Net weight: 26,500 kg
Gross weight: 38,270 kg
Location: Sweden Falköping
Auction 1
Execution date: 2025-03-14 17:00
Ending date: 2025-03-25 10:25
Placed on: yesterday
Autoline ID: VU44808
Overall dimensions: 9.45 m × 2.55 m × 2.55 m
Truck body
Body dimensions: length - 5.5 m
Pressure: 160 bar
Power: 279 HP (205 kW)
Fuel: gas
Number of cylinders: 3
Number of axles: 3
Axle configuration: 6x2
Suspension: air/air
Tyre size: 315/70R22
Air conditioner
Cruise control (tempomat)
Condition: used
More details
Colour: red

More details — Mercedes-Benz 2628G L fire truck

Important sales information
Seller information
LP Väst hanterar denna auktion på uppdrag av säljaren.
För mer information eller för att boka tid för visning vänligen kontakta
Tobias Melander 033-103031 eller show contacts
Finansiering erbjuds via vår samarbetspartner Edge finanslaget.
Kontakta Tobias på tel 033-103031 alt: show contacts för en anpassad offert efter era önskemål.
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"Vi erbjuder sunda finansieringslösningar till företag som planerar att investera i nya maskiner eller annan utrustning. Med hög servicegrad, flexibilitet och kunskap skapar vi och våra Edge Partners tryggare framtidsutsikter och ökad konkurrenskraft.
Vi tycker helt enkelt att bra verksamheter förtjänar en finansieringskontakt som ställer upp och är engagerad. Är du av samma uppfattning, välkommen till Edge Finanslaget"
LP Väst kan även ombesörja transport genom vår samarbetspartner Janssons entreprenad AB
Kontakta Alexandra på mail: show contacts för prisförslag.
This auction is handled by LP Väst on behalf of the seller.
For more information or to book a viewing time, please contact
Tobias Melander show contacts or show contacts
We also offer transport services through our partner Janssons entreprenad AB
Contact Alexandra at show contacts
to get a price estimate.
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
Registration Documents: Yes
Kilometers Date: 14 Mar 2025
Asset overall condition: May have larger defects. Inspection/Repair before use is recommended
Engine: 205 kW
MOT: 2021-12-07
Other features: Säljes avställd och obesiktigad
Seller / Auction broker: LP Väst
Location: Falköping, Sweden
gross weight: Ursprunglig totalvikt
Gearbox type: Alisson automat
Euro: EEV
axle configuration: 6x2*4
MERCEDES-BENZ 2628G L Gasdriven Slamsugnings bil
Säljes som ett reparationsobjekt
en tändspole trasig
Hör / se film
Objektet är inte körbart med detta fel
men är i övrigt i ok skick
Byggnationen var fullt fungerade vid senaste användning men kan ej provköras då motor inte orkar driva pga trasig tändspole
Kan ha fler okända fel
Allison automatväxellåda
Styrbar löpaxel
Alko lås
Blixtljus och rotorljus
Byggnation från Rolba
Kraftuttag MD-859.S med utväxling 128%
Volym ca.12.500 liter i 3 fack,tillverkad i rostfri plåt EN 1.4301
Vattenfacket är tillverkad i rostfri plåt EN 1.4301 rymmande ca 1500 liter.Utrustat med 1st manlucka
Främre slamfack är tillverkad i rostfri plåt EN 1.4301 rymmande ca 1500 liter. Utrustat med 1st manlucka
Bakre slamfack är tillverkad i rostfri plåt EN 1.4301 rymmande ca 1500 liter. Utrustat med 1st manlucka
Helhydraulisk bakgavel med hydrauliska låskolvar
Vakumpump av Fabrikat MORO typ PM 200 vätskekyld. Hydrauliskt driven
Pneumatiskt omslag sug/tryck. Monterad på vibrationsdämpare på slamtankens vänstra sida. Korta sugledningar innebär hög verkningsgrad. Kapacitet = 19.200 l/min fri luft
Vridbar sugslangvinda bak för förvaring
Högtryckspump av Fabrikat Pratissoli typ KF 3cyl. kolvpump hydrauliskt driven
Kapacitet 160 bar 102 l/min
Fjärrstyrning typ teleradio
Vågutrustning sitter monterad men display är demonterad och ligger lös i hytten
Se bifogad pdf för mer information om byggnation ( med reservation för ev ändringar gjorda sedan bilen var ny)
Besiktigas senast 2022-12-31
Senast godkända besiktning 2021-12-07
Körförbud 2023-01-01
Körförbudsorsak Utebliven kontrollbesiktning
Höjd Uppgift saknas
Skattevikt 26500 kg
Främre överhäng 1780 mm
Bakre överhäng 2300 mm
Axel - 1 Max axelavstånd axel 1-2 3900 mm
Garanterat axel/boggitryck 7500 kg
Axel - 2 Max axelavstånd axel 2-3 1350 mm
Garanterat axel/boggitryck 19000 kg
Axel - 3 Däckdimension 315/70R22,5
TANKVOLYM: 1,50+4,00+7,00=12,50 M3
MERCEDES-BENZ 2628G L Gas powered Sludge suction car
Sold as a repair item
one ignition coil broken
Hear / see video
The object is not operable with this error
but is otherwise in ok condition
The bodybuilding was fully functional when last used but cannot be test driven as the engine is unable to run due to a broken ignition coil
May have more unknown errors
Allison automatic transmission
Controllable running axle
Alcohol lock
Flash light and rotor light
Construction from Rolba
PTO MD-859.S with gear ratio 128%
Volume approx. 12,500 liters in 3 compartments
manufactured in stainless steel EN 1.4301
The water compartment is made of stainless steel EN 1.4301
holding approx. 1500 liters. Equipped with 1 manhole
Front sludge compartment is made of stainless steel EN 1.4301
holding approx. 1500 litres. Equipped with 1 manhole cover
Rear sludge compartment is made of stainless steel EN 1.4301
holding approx. 1500 litres. Equipped with 1 manhole cover
Fully hydraulic rear end with hydraulic locking pistons
Vacuum pump by Manufacturer MORO type PM 200 liquid cooled. Hydraulically driven
Pneumatic cover suction/pressure. Mounted on the vibration damper on the left side of the sludge tank. Short suction lines mean high efficiency. Capacity = 19,200 l/min free air
Rotatable suction hose reel at the back for storage
High-pressure pump by Pratissoli type KF 3cyl. piston pump hydraulically driven
Capacity 160 bar 102 l/min
Remote control type teleradio
Weighing equipment is installed but the display is disassembled and is loose in the cabin
See attached pdf for more information on construction (with reservation for possible changes made since the car was new)
Inspected no later than 2022-12-31
Last approved inspection 2021-12-07
Meter stand 300971
Driving ban 2023-01-01
Reason for driving ban Missing control inspection
Height Data missing
Tax weight 26500 kg
Front overhang 1780 mm
Rear overhang 2300 mm
Cargo space length 5500 mm
Axle - 1 Max axle distance axle 1-2 3900 mm
Guaranteed axle/bogie pressure 7500 kg
Axle - 2 Max axle distance axle 2-3 1350 mm
Guaranteed axle/bogie pressure 19000 kg
Axle - 3 Tire size 315/70R22.5
TANK VOLUME: 1.50+4.00+7.00=12.50 M3
Show the whole comment
This offer is for guidance only. Please request more precise information from the seller.
Purchase tips
Safety tips
Seller Verification

If you decide to buy equipment at a low price, make sure that you communicate with the real seller. Find out as much information about the owner of the equipment as possible. One way of cheating is to represent yourself as a real company. In case of suspicion, inform us about this for additional control, through the feedback form.

Price Check

Before you decide to make a purchase, carefully review several sales offers to understand the average cost of your chosen equipment. If the price of the offer you like is much lower than similar offers, think about it. A significant price difference may indicate hidden defects or an attempt by the seller to commit fraudulent acts.

Do not buy products which price is too different from the average price for similar equipment.

Do not give consent to dubious pledges and prepaid goods. In case of doubt, do not be afraid to clarify details, ask for additional photographs and documents for equipment, check the authenticity of documents, ask questions.

Doubtful prepayment

The most common type of fraud. Unfair sellers may request a certain amount of advance payment to “book” your right to purchase equipment. Thus, fraudsters can collect a large amount and disappear, no longer get in touch.

Varieties of this fraud may include:
  • Transfer of prepayment to the card
  • Do not make an advance payment without paperwork confirming the process of transferring money, if during the communication the seller is in doubt.
  • Transfer to the “Trustee” account
  • Such a request should be alarming, most likely you are communicating with a fraudster.
  • Transfer to a company account with a similar name
  • Be careful, fraudsters may disguise themselves as well-known companies, making minor changes to the name. Do not transfer funds if the company name is in doubt.
  • Substitution of own details in the invoice of a real company
  • Before making a transfer, make sure that the specified details are correct, and whether they relate to the specified company.
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